Treatment and Tips
If you are suffering from depression, there are several treatments available. Medications and psychotherapy - either alone or in combination - are the most common forms of treatment. ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) and VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulation) are generally only administered when other treatments have failed or when medication might endanger the patient’s health. Your doctor can help you select the best option for you.
Counseling and Psychotherapy.
Electroconvulsive Therapy.
The Beyond Blue safety planning app is a great way to help you plan how you are going to cope when you are not feeling well.
Symptoms of depression can creep up slowly or descend quickly.
If slowly, it can be harder to notice, especially in yourself. Get in the habit of observing yourself if you have depressive episodes.
Make a pact with your friend or loved one that if one of you sees a group of symptoms of depression in the other.
The affected person will take appropriate action such as contacting a doctor. Or make a pact with yourself!
This is not an exhaustive list of symptoms of depression. You will encounter more through observation and reading.
Add more red flags to you or your loved one’s personal list of depression symptoms as you spot them!
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